Thursday, 29 August 2013

Week 6 - Political Tasks: Politics and the Internet

As previously discussed I have had responses from my survey last week. The indicators suggest that there are a large sum of people with the same opinions and uses regarding social media.

My musical choices suggest that I am for equality and anti-right. I lean to the left at the moment because of their policies and my yearning for some form of marriage equality.

Although Hackers are commonly referred to in a negative context, 'white hat' hackers have a positive connotation addressed to them. They are security breakers that general hack into systems to protect the company or group at risk. They do a service to businesses that may in in danger or having information stolen by hackers.

On another note, Wikileaks is a force of good in the world, although it can be dangerous at times. As a journalist, I believe that the public has a right to know everything that is going on in their Government. The public own the Government, so they should have access to most information as long as it doesn't pose a risk to national security.

Surveillance is usually associated with security and I believe that internet and phone surveillance is a good thing. Anything that can monitor the good guy can easily catch the bad ones. Without police monitoring the social media sites there would be a lot more young girls and boys being taken by pedophiles. 

I believe that censorship has no place in democracy. The people have a right to know the truth, good or bad and in a democracy their should be complete freedom and no restrictions on what the public should and shouldn't see or know.

Online there are many opportunities for political participation. You can join certain organisations, sign up to volunteer at election campaigns and hand out flyers on the voting dates, or involve yourself in political debates and discussion via social media. 

According to the vote compass my political position is to the Left with Labour as my preferable vote. I would be able to sign an e-petition, depending on what it was regarding. I would happily communicate with fellow politicians on a regular basis about policies and informative decisions. I am not particularly supportive of any party, so I would be able to contact many politicians without it affecting my political beliefs.

The Australian Government plans to bring in new legislation for a "Clean Feed" of the internet, which would mean that they would develop censorship for Australian's internet access. The No Clean Feed Group of Australia is running a campaign to prevent this legislation from being passed in Government this year. 

I am unaware of when the new National Broadband Network will reach my place, but I believe that the faster data will improve my television Foxtel as it is connected to my Wi-Fi system. I will also have more time on my hands instead of having to wait for my internet to load my assessment pieces. It will be much more convenient for my purposes.

I believe that my local representatives are Christine Smith and Karen Andrews. I found documents that stated that Christine Smith had last spoken in Queensland Parliament in March 2011. Karen Andrews however had last spoken in Federal Parliament at the start of this year. 


Famous White Hat Hackers 2011, viewed 29 August 2013, <>.

Hansard: Parliament of Australia 2013, viewed 29 August 2013, <>. 

Pangburn, D 2011, Digital Activism From Anonymous to Occupy Wall Street: a Conversation With Gabriella Coleman, viewed 27 August 2013, <>.

Record of Proceedings: Queensland Parliament 2013, viewed 29 August 2013, <>.

Stockwell, S & Muir, A 2003, 'The Military-Entertainment Complex: A New Facet of Information Warfare', Fibreculture Journal, vol. 1, no. 1, viewed 27 Auguest 2013, via WordPress. 

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